The Raw Real Kind

In a world filled with fears and doubts, I want to do my part in spreading love – yes, spreading it like it is a disease.

I want to be somebody who chooses kindness and love over anything else. I want to honor the raw beauty of growth and the struggle that comes with it. I want to acknowledge all silent battles and be sure to celebrate the victories aloud. I want to believe in second, third, fourth chances and never give up on anybody (sounds like a recipe for disaster, I know). I want to look beyond my looming fears, and wish that everybody is able to do the same… because the freedom that comes with it is truly worth experiencing.

Imagine a world where nobody is living in constant fear of being hurt, attacked or cheated. A world where our actions are driven by what inspires us rather than the dreaded “what will people say?!”. A world where everybody feels loved and needed, not because they are a ‘somebody’, but just because they exist.

The kind of world I’m envisioning is not built with logic, it’s built with heart. It takes time to build with heart because the process is intangible – there is no blueprint, just a sense of direction. That’s the part of spreading love that I’m passionate about. That’s what this blog is about.

Welcome to Yours Rawly,

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